1. Going to church on Easter Sunday
2. My sister and her family coming for a visit in the morning
3. Meeting my bestfriend's new baby boy at the end of May
(she lives in New Zealand)
4. Seeing Beth Moore live in Portland
5. Beautiful warm weather
6. Going to the gym
7. All day scrapbooking
8. Seeing the last Harry Potter movie
1. Kept Grace home from school because she said her tummy hurt
2. Watched silly shows with her on Discovery Kids
3. Prepared a lot of meals
4. Worked on MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) stuff and attended a meeting
5. Washed dishes
6. Laundry
7. Did school work with Grace
8. Taught Jilian how to count to 3
1. Stayed focus on God and my family
2. Buy all new clothes
3. Lose the last "baby" wieght
4. Spend more time outside
5. Be more patient with my family
6. Play with my children more
7. Take a vacation on my own
8. Go to Europe
* Sidenote * I don't watch TV, it really depresses me. We are a movie watching family. My top
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Harry Potter (all of them!)
3. The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring
4. The Pirates of the Carribean
5. Like Water for Chocolate
6. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
7. How to Make an American Quilt
8. Friend Green Tomotoes
1. Sarah @ Foster Family Four...Sarah's Story
2. Sally @ My Three Soons
3. Laura @ Ava Grance Lindgren
4. Michelle @ Michelle's Blog
5. Jolene @ Gracias a Dios
6. Kelly @ Not for human consumption
7. Aj @ Aj Schwanz
8. Janey @ Janey & Co.
And, of course...anyone else who wants to play along!