Strawberry Jam Recipe
5 cups prepared fruit
7 cups sugar
1 box Sure-Jell
Prepare jars and lids. Boil water in canner or large pot.
To prepare fruit, crush about 4 pt. fully ripe strawberries.
Measure prepared fruit into a 5-6 quart saucepan. Measure sugar into bowl; set aside.
Place pan holding fruit over high heat. Add Sure-Jell, stir until mixture comes to a hard boil. Add sugar at once.
Bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat, skim, pour quickly in to jars. Put jars in boiling hot water or canner for 10 minutes. Let jars stand 24 hours. Makes about 6 eight-ounce jars.