
I have entered the world of blogging! My purpose? To stay connected to friends and family and invite you into my world. A world filled with fun, tears, laughter, excitement, elation, disappointment and all the blessings of being a mother and wife.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Mommy I want to be like you"

Yesterday after school as I was trying to explain to Grace why she has to follow her teacher's instructions, even if her teacher was unclear the first time and even if she doesn't want to. Grace has a big sense of justice and she applies that to all the adults in her life as well as the children... so I say "One day you will have a boss and if he asks you to do something are you going to say, no?" and Grace says "I don't want a job, I want to be a stay at home mom, like you mommy". Wow! For some reason I was surprised but boy did it warm my heart to hear her say that. In some ways its as if she really does appreciate all that I do. :-) She also added, with a big grin on her face, that her kids will be going to school in a building, she will not home school!


Heidi Boos said...

Of course she wants to be like her mommy...you're an awesome stay at home mom, so she sees how wonderful it would be!

Tammy Williams said...

I found your blog through the Newberg MOPS blog. I really enjoy reading what you have to say and I think I will add you to my links so I can read you everyday. Oh and your Grace is a HOOT!