
I have entered the world of blogging! My purpose? To stay connected to friends and family and invite you into my world. A world filled with fun, tears, laughter, excitement, elation, disappointment and all the blessings of being a mother and wife.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Two posts in one day?!

Well, as I was reading up on the blogs I follow I came across some pretty scary information. Although I don't completely understand it but what it appears is that as of Febraruy 10th any product made for children under 12 needs to be tested for lead and other toxic material. Although that seems great what the law includes is any handmade item for babies and children and any already exsiting item, like the GAP shirt you want to sell on eBay... Wow scary! So, in an effort to make things safer it limits us, as moms. I've been working for months to start a small business online making baby items and from time to time sell my girls' clothes on eBay. With this law, if I continue without paying $4000 to test each item, I face being fined and put in jail! Please check out this blog and sign the petition.


Heidi Boos said...

I've seen this floating around the internet (through many blogs) and I am so frustrated!! There are so many creative women who want to create and now they might be forced not to. How sad. I signed the petition.

Sally said...

I agree this is absurd...
#1 - They should not be going after things people have already purchased. That is up to the consumer... who they need to target is the manufacturers.

#2 - It's silly to apply this law to the small businesses (or Mom's just trying to be crafty and make a little extra $). There should be some kind of stipulation so that it only applies to the large businesses (gross income or something???). RIDICULOUS! Unless a Mom is trying to mold plastic in her garage to create some kind of toy, I'm really not seeing the problem!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah- I just signed the petition and forwarded it to 6 friends. I hope the legislators make exceptions to the rule-- especially in this economic climate...
:) Ursa Shaw