
I have entered the world of blogging! My purpose? To stay connected to friends and family and invite you into my world. A world filled with fun, tears, laughter, excitement, elation, disappointment and all the blessings of being a mother and wife.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sun Tea, YUM!

The SUN has been visiting us here in Oregon a tad bit more these days, kind of feels like Spring!! It has been ah-so nice to have the warm sun on our faces and a chance to enjoy our yard! With the sun comes Sun Tea. Very simple to make and a yummy treat to have in the refrigerator. Although it makes me even more eager for the super hot days of Summer!

Simply take a glass container and fill it with six black tea bags, fill the container with cold water and place in the sun for a few hours. After the tea has "brewed" (the water is the color of tea) your sun tea is done! For different flavors add one or two tea bags of a different flavored tea. I've used peppermint, orange spice and mango, all three of been super yummy. The longer the tea bags are in the water, the stronger it will be. Be sure to remove the bags once it is at the strength you like otherwise the bags will start to break apart and you'll have little pieces of tea...not so fun.

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